
  • Hasnidar Hasnidar STIKes Widya Nusantara Palu
  • Afrina J Anuarista STIKes Widya Nusantara Palu


Appendectomy or surgical removal of the ceacum is an emergency abdominal surgery that is often performed in various countries around the world. In the United States, more than 250,000 appendectomy is done annually. The incidence of appendicitis tends to be stabled in the United States over the past 30 years,  while  the  incidence  of  appendicitis is  lower  in  developing and  underdeveloped  countries, especially African countries, and more rarely in low socio economic groups. In Indonesia the incidence of appendicitis is quite high, seen through an increase the number of patients year to year. Based on data achieved from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, cases of appendicitis in 2009 were 596,132 people and in 2010 the number of appendicitis patients was 621,435 people. Every surgery can cause discomfort and trauma for the patient. One that is often complained by clients is pain. Pain caused by surgery usually makes the patient feel very sick. Pain is a major problem in postoperative care where pain is a body's defense mechanism arises when there is system damage and causes the individual to react by moving pain stimuli Postoperative pain is a significant complication for most patients. Nonpharmacological management is currently highly recommended, because it does not cause side effects, and can help postoperative patients maintaining their own health. One no pharmacological treatment for pain relief according to experts is a progressive muscle relaxation technique. Progressive muscle relaxation is relaxation practice through stretching the muscles and resting them gradually and regularly. Progressive muscle relaxation exercises can provide smooth massage in various glands in the body, reduce cortisol production in the blood, restore adequate expenditure of hormones to provide emotional balance and peace of mind. Research on relaxation reveals that nursing interventions can calm body and feeling, relaxed and easier to sleep. The results of this sresearch  are in line with the research on the effectiveness of relaxation techniques in decreasing the pain of patients in Muara Teweh Hospital 2013, it shows that out of 25. Respondents ,the level of pain of acute gastritis patients before giving relaxation techniques was mild pain of 4 people (16%), moderate pain 16 people (64%), controlled severe pain  5 people (20%). The level of pain in acute gastritis patients after applying relaxation techniques was 1 person (4%)no pain, mild pain 12 people (48%), moderate pain 7 people (28%), and controlled severe pain 5 people ( 20%). Data from the medical record of Wirabuana Hospital Palu city in 2015 shows there were 450 people (28.9%) post-operative appendectomy, in 2016 the number of patients post appendectomy was 512 (32.6%), and data from January to February 2017 the number of patients post appendectomy were 80 people (18.1%). Interviews with nurses at Wirabuana Hospital Palu shows that they knew   progressive muscle relaxation techniques can reduce pain in theory, but they have not applied this technique because they consider  collaborating  with  doctors  in  providing  analgesics  to work  faster than  the  use  of  non- pharmacological  therapies.  Besides that, patients with  postoperative pain  appendectomy have  not received their own intervention in their treatment.


